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Water Filter

5 Common Myths About Water Filter

There are some common myths about water filter. Nowadays water filter is one of the essential appliances in every home. If you want to stay healthy and get rid of all kinds of diseases carried by water, then this appliance is much needed for you.

The human body never survives without water, but it can also go without food. So, people need enough hydration to keep the torso functioning well. If you intend to buy the best water purifier in Dubai, but the myths about the water filter create confusion, then debunk the myths first. In the below article, you can find the tales about water filters and facts about them.

Myth 1# RO Is The Best Technology

In India, there are several kinds of water, and each of them needs different water purification treatment from the water filters. In India, the water change is not standard in other geographical locations but given a radius also.

If you buy RO water purification treatment for such an area that is not required, it will lead to demineralised water consumption. In that case, you will not get the proper nutrition and minerals needed for perfect growth and development.

Myth 2# Water Purifier Removes The Necessary Minerals Also 

The minerals of water are calcium, magnesium and salt. But, you should choose the right purification system from the best water filter in UAE to avoid the mineral issue. For example, if your area has a TDS level below 200 ppm, you should not get a Reverse Osmosis purification system. Instead, opt for a light purification system that will not remove the minerals altogether.

Myth#3 Water Filters Are Expensive

Many people think that the best water filter in Dubai is expensive and they can’t afford the cost of it. The cost of a water purifier depends on every variety. You should choose one as per the quality of water in your area. Additionally, you will save more money instead of purchasing many bottles frequently.

Maintenance Cost Is High

The water filters usually need maintenance after a long gap. Generally, the water filter cartridge comes with a maximum service life of 6 months. That means you need to change the filter of the best water purifier in UAE too after six months. Apart from that, the under-sink water filter needs less maintenance. You can clean the essential parts of your water filter easily at home.

Only The Experts Can Install Them

Not every type of water filter comes with a complicated water filtration system. Only the commercial one is bulky and needs professional help for installation. But the home filters are pretty easy to install. You need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and you can easily do it with a good guide. The commercial one has some complicated features that need professional focus for installation, and a demonstration from the professional can make a huge impact.


These are the common myths about the water filtration system. Choosing the best water filter in UAE can provide you with safe drinking water, and they are also budget-friendly. Several types of water filters work well for different water qualities. You need to contact the manufacturer to get help here.

For more details on water purification systems, contact Eureka Aqua International today!!