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Bottled Water vs. Filtered Water

Bottled Water vs. Filtered Water: Which Is Good For You?

Are you confused about choosing bottled water or filtered water? Read the article below. Here you can learn about the benefits of each kind of water. Hopefully, you can come to a solution after reading it.

Benefits Of Filtered Water

The filtered water refers to producing water through a filtration system. There are different types of filtration systems, and each of them is unique. Here the benefits of filtered water are given below:

  • Odour- free: Generally, the tap water has a foul smell. This is the smell of chlorine that the municipality uses to filter the water. But with the filtration system, you can remove these impurities.
  • Healthy Water: An effective filtration system of the best water filter in UAE is capable of removing all the physical particles from the water and making it beneficial to digest. Apart from that, it can also remove the herbicides and pesticides used in the water.
  • Budget-friendly: Bottled water can only seem to cost adequate for those who need water for less consumption. But for a large number of people or families, the filters are good as they can filter a lot of water at the same time.
  • Low Maintenance: You can easily take care of your chosen best water filter in Dubai at low costs. You can call a professional to clean the filter, or you can do it yourself with proper instructions. But in the case of bottled water, you have to transport, store or check the delivery of the package, which may not be convenient.
  • No Heavy Lifting: For bottled water, you have to lift a heavy weight. However, you can take help from a professional bearer but have to pay for it.
  • High-Quality Filtration: There are several filtration systems for the water filter, such as Reverse Osmosis and Microbiological Filtration. Every Filtration system provides fresh and clean water. But with bottled water, you can’t even know about the filtration system.

Benefits of Bottled Water

Bottled water refers to other packaged mineral water. You can also opt for it for healthy drinking.

Find the advantages of bottled water in the below section:

* Convenience and Portability: The first advantage of buying bottled water is its convenience and portability. In the case of bottled water, you don’t need to attach any purification system to the plumbing.

You can directly attach it to the water cooler and get water from here. This feature especially helps you when you have it in the office.

* Installation: The bottled water works well mainly when you have lesser water consumption. Because here you don’t need to install it.

* Filtration cost: With bottled water, you don’t need to change the filter. You can source water directly from the bottle or container.

* Taste: The bottled water tastes better than the regular tap water, and it also smells good. Before packing this water, the chemicals and chlorine are removed, which causes the water to smell bad.

What Is Best For You – Bottled Water Or Filtered Water?

In case you are not sure about the quality of the water and want to get a better taste, go for the best water purifier in UAE. The packaged bottle of water claims that they are 100% pure. But do you have any proof of this?

Apart from that, the water filter for the home works well when you need water for your family members. They are easy to maintain, and you can get water here any time without having to worry about delivery.


I hope now you have understood why filtered water from the best water purifier in Dubai is better for you. If you find the article helpful, you can stay with us to get more updates.

If you want more information on water purification systems, then give Eureka Aqua International a call at +971 5 292 44724 today!!